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The young professionals of the association community are the budding leaders of the future. Their energy and passion electrify all associations at various organizational levels. This combined with their presence at existing meetings, events, and activities in the realm of associations always provides a fresh perspective. Noticing this tremendous impact of young professionals within ASAE, Michelle Mason, FASAE, CAE (Current President & CEO) approached the ASAE Research Foundation with an idea of an initiative to provide an opportunity specifically for young professionals. Michelle’s well-established commitment to the association community and experience working at various organizational levels of associations made this effort a priority.

The intention of this effort is to provide opportunities aligned with ASAE’s value of workforce development and commitment to education. The young professional focused scholarship will provide direct access to experiences and connections to well established leaders in the association community by providing financial assistance to attend ASAE’s in-person events, programs, and exposure to networking opportunities.


If you have any questions please contact the ASAE Research Foundation by Phone: (202)626-2893 or Email:ASAEFoundation@asaecenter.org